Namaste, I'm
Shubham Lingayat
Software Engineer
An enthusiast for building innovative real-world solutions
I'm an India based undergrad student pursuing BE in Computer Technology. Currently, in love with Frontend Web Engineering. Apart from tech, I like connecting with people and having an exchange of ideas. When I'm not coding or talking to someone, you will find me either cycling or playing computer games.
RaftLabs, Remote — Software Engineer (Frontend - React)
February 2022 - Present
Building complex, elegant, performant user-facing features, and web interfaces with ReactJS, Hasura, and other libraries around React ecosystem.
Devsnest, Remote — Team Leader
March 2021 - October 2021
Led a guild of 12 members along with learning Full Stack Web Development in the Mentorship Program of 8 months at
Persistent Systems Ltd., Remote — Academic Intern
June 2021 - July 2021
Brushed up the Computer Fundamentals while being evaluated weekly by the corporation.
SoftSystems Consultancies Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur — Web Developer Intern
May 2018 - June 2018
Developed a website with a group of interns, called 'xlinDiploma', aiming to provide previous years Question Papers with Answers. — Event Page
Sept, 2021 - Solo Project
Designed and developed a Landing page for the Technical Fest of my College.
  • NextJS
  • TailwindCSS
  • Framer-motion
onlyStore — Webapp
August, 2021 - Team Project
A dummy eCommerce Web App developed using only frontend technologies and featuring fully functional localStorage based login, cart, wishlist and order systems.
  • reactJS
  • redux toolkit
  • material-ui
  • localStorage
slateboard — Webapp
July, 2021 - Team Project
SlateBoard is an easy-to-use whiteboard made in vanilla JavaScript using HTML5 Canvas.
  • HTML5 Canvas
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
playnloot — PWA
March 2021 - Duo Project
A platform for PUBG players to host or participate in various tournaments with cash prizes.
  • react
  • redux
  • firebase
  • material-ui
<div> Elements with these CSS classnames gets disappeared
AdBlockers blocks <div> elements with these CSS classnames
  • technical
  • css
How to stay focused during Online Classes
My 5 tips for staying focussed during Online Classes
  • non-technical
  • tips
Fastify: An acclaimed faster alternative to ExpressJS
A small blog giving intro to fastify
  • nodejs
  • fastify
Talks on overchoice in tech options
  • random